Organizations the Help Homeless Veterans – Housing, Counseling, Support

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Homelessness among veterans is a pressing issue that reflects a profound social challenge.  In September 2023, it is estimated that there were approximately 17.9 million veterans.  These individuals, who have served their countries with bravery and dedication, often find themselves battling not just external threats but also internal ones stemming from mental health issues, physical disabilities, and socioeconomic barriers.

The transition from military to civilian life can be fraught with difficulties, leading some veterans to face housing instability. Understanding and addressing the unique needs of homeless veterans is crucial in our endeavor to honor their service and ensure their well-being.

As of 2023, the United States is grappling with a homelessness crisis affecting 67,495 veterans. This group accounts for 10.6% of the nation’s homeless population and is twice as likely to experience homelessness compared to non-military individuals.

10 Organizations that Help Homeless Veterans

1. National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV):

NCHV is a pivotal resource, guiding homeless ex-servicemen and women to essential services and support. to make sure that the services offered to homeless veterans are the best they can be. By doing things like sharing research, offering training, and promoting teamwork among different organizations,

NCHV plays a big part in improving the lives of ex-veterans who are homeless. They work hard to ensure these veterans get the support and care they need to get back on their feet and live a stable life after their military service.

  • Address: 333 1/2 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003
  • Phone: (202) 546-1969

2.  U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – Homeless Veterans Program:

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is crucial in assisting through various programs. They provide housing options, including emergency shelters and more permanent housing solutions. This support is vital for veterans who lack stable housing.

Additionally, the VA offers comprehensive healthcare services addressing physical and mental health needs. This includes specialized programs for veterans struggling with substance abuse.  Moreover, the VA assists in employment and training opportunities, essential financial stability, and independence.

They also facilitate access to benefits, ensuring they receive the financial assistance they are entitled to. By combining these resources, the VA effectively supports homeless veterans in overcoming challenges and rebuilding their lives post-service.

  • No specific address (local VA offices nationwide)
  • National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: 
  • Call 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838)

The VA provides comprehensive and tailored services, helping service people regain stability.

3. Volunteers of America

Volunteers of America focuses on mental health and substance abuse issues. Many veterans struggle with these problems. The organization gives them specialized care, including treatment for PTSD and addiction. This approach helps veterans heal both physically and mentally.

This organization also fights for veterans’ rights by raising awareness and pushing for policies that support them. By doing this, Volunteers of America doesn’t just help individual veterans; it works to resolve the most pressing issues veterans face. 

  • Address: 1660 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
  • Phone: (703) 341-5000

4. United States Veterans Initiative (U.S.VETS):

The United States Veterans Initiative (U.S.VETS) is an important organization that helps these service members in several ways. First, it helps veterans with housing. It provides temporary and permanent homes, which is essential for unhoused veterans. Stable housing is the first step to getting back on track.

U.S. VETS offers job preparation and helps people land jobs, which is important for a stable life. They also provide mental health counseling, which helps veterans deal with tough emotions and experiences. Additionally, they help with substance abuse treatment, which is important for those struggling with addiction.

They also guide veterans in getting the benefits they have earned. Together, these services help veterans regain their feet and live better lives after their service.

  • Address: 800 West Sixth Street, Suite 1505, Los Angeles, CA 90017
  • Phone: (213) 542-2600

5. Helping A Hero: This organization provides specially adapted homes for the injured, greatly helping their daily lives. They also offer support and resources to help these veterans adjust to life after their service and injuries. 

Helping a Hero also organizes welcoming home ceremonies for veterans, fostering a sense of community and appreciation. Their advocacy and awareness efforts highlight the needs of injured servicemen and women, garnering more support and resources for their cause.

These efforts help ensure that the sacrifices of these veterans are recognized and their transition to civilian life is made as smooth and dignified as possible.

  • Address: 14525 FM 529, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77095
  • Phone: (281) 202-0534

Other Organizations that Help Homeless Vets

6. Operation Homefront: Operation Homefront helps veterans focus more on preventing homelessness. Offering veterans and military families financial assistance, such as rent, utilities, or groceries, is a tremendous help. It tries to prevent a veteran from becoming homeless before it happens.

  • 1355 Central Parkway
  • S, Suite 100,
  • San Antonio, TX 78232
  • Phone: (210) 659-7756

7. Swords to Plowshares

Swords to Plowshares helps vets needing homes in a few essential ways. First, they offer housing. This includes emergency shelters and long-term homes.   They also give legal help, especially with VA benefits and military discharges.  So that vets can get the benefits they deserve.

  • Address: 1060 Howard Street, San Antonio, TX 78232
  • Phone: (415) 252-4788


8. National Veterans Foundation (NVF)

The National Veterans Foundation (NVF) runs a hotline that veterans can call for help. This hotline advises and connects veterans to services they might need, such as mental health counseling. 

Additionally, they help veterans find housing and employment. So, if a veteran is homeless or needs work, NVF can guide them to the right places. These services work together to support veterans and help them get back on their feet.

  • 5777 West Century Blvd, Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA 90045
  • Phone: (310) 642-025

9. Community Hope’s ‘Hope for Veterans’ Program:

Community Hope’s Hope for Veterans Program helps veterans who need housing. It has a campus with rooms for veterans who don’t have a home, which helps veterans feel safe and stable. Additionally, the program offers counseling and job assistance.

  • 959 Route 46 East, Suite 402
  • Parsippany, NJ 07054
  • Phone: (973) 463-9600

10. Veterans Inc.

Veterans Inc. offers a safe place for veterans to live and helps them get health care and jobs. It also supports veterans in caring for their health and returning to work.

Veterans Inc. also provides counseling and substance abuse treatment. These services are key for ex-servicemen and women dealing with tough times or addiction. All these efforts help veterans regain their feet and live better lives after service.

  • 69 Grove Street, Worcester, MA 01605
  • Phone: (800) 482-2565

Each of these organizations plays a crucial role in addressing the complex issue of homelessness in vets.  These organizations provide services, from immediate shelter to long-term support, ensuring our veterans receive the respect, care, and opportunities they deserve.

Churches that Help Homeless Veterans

Several major churches and religious organizations play a significant role in helping veterans in need of homes. These organizations offer several services, from shelter and food to counseling and job assistance. Some of the prominent ones include:

Catholic Charities US: This organization, affiliated with the Catholic Church, offers various services, including housing assistance, job training, and counseling.

The Salvation Army: Although not a church in the traditional sense, The Salvation Army, rooted in Christian faith, provides extensive support to homeless individuals, including veterans. Their services include emergency shelters, rehabilitation programs, and employment assistance.

Lutheran Services in America: This organization, linked to the Lutheran Church, supports veterans through housing solutions, mental health counseling, and employment assistance.

United Methodist Church: Many local United Methodist congregations have programs and ministries geared explicitly towards assisting homeless veterans, offering services like temporary shelters, meal programs, and counseling.

Jewish Family Service Agencies: While not churches, these agencies, associated with the Jewish faith, often provide services to homeless veterans, including housing assistance, counseling, and help accessing veterans’ benefits.

Presbyterian Church (USA): Through various local congregations and affiliated organizations, the Presbyterian Church offers support to homeless veterans, which may include shelter, food assistance, and counseling services.

These organizations, along with many others, contribute significantly to addressing the needs of homeless veterans, offering physical necessities and emotional and spiritual support.

Why Are There So Many Homeless Veterans?

Homelessness among veterans can be attributed to various factors, with the scarcity of affordable housing being a critical concern. This challenge is not exclusive to veterans but also impacts civilians. A significant factor contributing to veteran homelessness is the unavailability of reasonably priced housing options.

You can see in every city the continual construction of new housing developments. However, most of these developments are priced beyond what the average individual, including many veterans, can afford. This economic disconnect is a key issue causing the rising rates of homelessness among veterans.

Let’s look at Some Other Reasons for Homelessness in Vets

Transition Challenges: After separating from the Armed Forces, many face difficulties transitioning from military to civilian life. This transition often involves adjusting to a new identity, finding employment, and reintegrating into family and community life. Without adequate support, this can be overwhelming.

Mental Health Issues: Veterans, especially those who have experienced battle, are at a higher risk for mental health disorders such as PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression, and anxiety, partly due to their experiences in service. These conditions can impede their ability to maintain employment and relationships, leading to instability.

Substance Abuse:  Substance abuse is a significant problem among some veterans.  It is linked to untreated mental health issues. Using substances to deal with trauma can seem to help, but it increases the risk of homelessness.

Unemployment and Underemployment: Many sometimes struggle to find employment after service. The skills and experiences gained in the military do not always translate directly to the civilian job market.

Lack of Social and Family Support: Some veterans may not have strong family or social networks for support. This isolation can increase the risk of homelessness, mainly if they are also dealing with other issues like mental health or substance abuse.

Gaps in Services: While there are programs aimed at helping veterans, gaps in these services or difficulties in accessing them can leave some without the support they need.

Additional Reasons for Homelessness Among Veterans

Homelessness among veterans has been a persistent issue in the United States. Various factors contribute to this problem, including:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Many veterans experience trauma during their military service, which can lead to mental health issues like PTSD. These conditions may make it more difficult for veterans to maintain stable housing.
  • Economic Factors: Economic hardships, including unemployment and low wages, can contribute to homelessness among veterans.
  • Housing Affordability: The high cost of housing in some areas of the U.S. can make it difficult for veterans and others to find affordable and stable housing.

The U.S. government and various organizations have made efforts to address homelessness among veterans, including programs to provide housing and support services. The percentage of homeless individuals who are veterans has varied over the years.

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