Dallas Rent Assistance Programs

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Dallas Emergency Rent Assistance โ€“  If you live in Dallas, Texas, and struggling to pay rent or facing eviction, some programs offer financial assistance to low-income families with bills like rent and prevent you from losing your home.  The most important this not to wait until you receive an eviction; nothing on your door.  Start calling around for help as soon as you know you are unable to pay your rent.

There are community action groups, charities, and government programs to help low-income assistance programs and charities pay rent.  If you are unemployed, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits depending on how long you worked. The information provided below can lead you in the right direction.

Dallas Emergency Rent Assistance

Dallas residents can help from state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations, and churches throughout the city.  There is no guarantee of help.  If you qualify financially and funding is available, you have a good chance of receiving help this your rent.  Citizens, immigrants, disadvantaged, disabled and, seniors may qualify for a grant.

Housing Programs

  • Emergency Rent Assistance/Welfare Program provides short-term help with rent for the disabled who do not receive benefits like workmanโ€™s comp, disability, or social security. Call 214.819.2000.
  • Section 8 Program provides rental assistance to households living at or below the US Poverty Guidelines. For more information, call 214.819.1871.
  • Dallas County Home Loan Counseling Center provides assistance and counseling on buying a home and help with the downpayment. For more information, call 214.819.6060.

Dickinson Place Charitable Corp.

Dickinson Place serves East Dallas and its surrounding areas.  They provide affordable housing to low-income housing for the elderly andโ€”those with disabilities.  Dickinson Place provides both Section 8 Subsidized rent and market rent for the independent living facilities.  All rent is income-based and qualified residents pay 30% of their adjusted monthly income for rent.  Apply for an apartment here.

911 St Joseph St
Dallas, TX โ€“ 75246
(214) 821-5390

The United Way

The United Way is one of the first places to contact for Dallas emergency rent assistance.  This non-profit organization links with churches that pay bills.  Also, you can find help from community and government organizations across Dallas and Collin County to support its residents.   If you need help with rent, utilities, food,  or help, equip yourself for a better job. To locate programs in your area, call 2-1-1 or go online to the United Way website and enter your city or zip code to find help near you.

AIDS Services of Dallas

AIDS Services of Dallas provides housing and support services for low-income and homeless individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS.  They also provide congregate housing, transportation, medical case management,
home-delivered meals and other food services.

PO Box 4338
Dallas, TX โ€“ 75208
(214) 941-0523

United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Inc.
1800 N. Lamar Street
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: (214) 978-0000

Urban League of Greater Dallas and North Central Texas 

The Urban League provides financial help with rent for about 2 weeks out of the month (1 โ€“ 15th).  Residents can receive help with rent, electricity, water, and gas, as long as you qualify financially and funding lasts.

Monday โ€“ Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
4315 South Lancaster Road,
Dallas, TX โ€“ 75216
(214) 915-4600

Dallas Rent Assistance Human Services Locations

Dallasโ€™s emergency rent programs are distributed through various Human Services locations.  They aid and help with bills, rent, food, and medical.  If you cannot pay your rent due to unemployment or a disability, applies for emergency or expedited assistance.  You do not have to receive government assistance to get help with rent presently.

2377 Stemmons Freeway
Suite 201 Dallas, TX โ€“ 75207

Dallas County Welfare Division
2377 N. Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75207
rent, utility (for disabled)
(214) 819-1800

Cathedral of Hope
5910 Cedar Springs Rd., Dallas, TX 75235
Rent, utilities
(214) 351-1901

Catholic Charities
Cross Family Center
4906 Bonnie View, Dallas, TX 75241
Rent, mortgage, utility bills
(214) 375-3715

Catholic Charities
Brady Social Service Center
4009 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75226
rent, mortgage, utilities

North Dallas Shared Ministries 
2875 Merrell Road, Dallas, TX 75229,
Rent, Utility

Pleasant Grove Community Center
(Urban League of Greater Dallas),
3312 N. Buckner Blvd, Suite 234
Dallas, TX 75228
Rent, mortgage, and utilities

Urban League of Greater Dallas 
Community Service Block Grant Program,
4315 S. Lancaster Road, Dallas, TX 75216
Help with rent, mortgage, utilities

White Rock Center of Hope (East Dallas)
10021-A Garland Road, Dallas, TX 75228
Help with rent, utilities, food

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