FEMA Relief Programs for Disasters

alt="who qualifies for fema relief?"

How to Qualify for FEMA Relief.  If you have been hit by a disaster whether you are a business or individual you may qualify for FEMA relief from and other Government organization as well as charities and community organization.  Recently in the southeast Hurricane Florence has caused a lot of damage and devastating loss of life.

Hurricanes and the flooding they cause destroys homes, farms, business, and schools.  If you have evacuated your home and cannot return or if you returned and your home is uninhabitable you can emergency assistance.

How to Receive FEMA Relief  for Hurricane Florence

 Emergency Contact Numbers

  • Looking for a safe shelter:  1-800-RED-CROSS
  • Receive trauma counseling:  1-800-985-5990 or go here
  • Report a Missing child:   1- 866-908-9570

Notify family you are safe:  here

Different Fema Relief Programs

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security.  They are set up the specific help with extreme situations that cause loss of life and property.  If you have been affected by a fire, flood, tornado, hurricane or wildfire that you state or local municipalities cannot handle, FEMA will step in.

When a state governor receives a State of Emergency from the President of the United States, FEMA, in coordination with other agencies have authority and funding to respond to any disaster.

Authorized representatives will visit locations where people have to gather to remain safe such as shelters and temporary housing stations to help register those who have been displaced by a disaster.  If you have access to a phone or the internet, you can also apply online.

What Type of Help Can I Get?

The Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households Program and other assistance programs offer up to $33,000 for repairs to private homes or household property damaged in a major disaster.  Charities, relief groups, and government agencies try to provide mandatory immediate and long-term needs.

  • Veteransโ€™ benefits
  • Income tax assistance
  • Crisis counseling
  • Legal Assistance
  • Financial assistance for help with temporary housing
  • Unemployment payments up to 26 weeks for workers
  • Low-interest loans for individuals and business owners
  • Grants for mandatory home repairs and essential household items not covered by homeowners insurance  
  • Grants to replace personal items, transportation, dental, medical bills, and funeral arrangements

How to Apply for a FEMA Grant 

If you are a business or individual affected by a disaster, you can apply for FEMA Relief online. Registering for help at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or

  • Call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362).
  • Hearing or speech disability call 1-800-462-7585
  • Those who use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 1-800-621-3362.
  • The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (local time) seven days a week until further notice.

Disaster SNAP (D-SNAP)  

FEMA Relief would include food support through D-SNAP, which is food benefits given to residents during a disaster.  You may be eligible for food assistance benefits when

  • You do not get regular SNAP benefits
  • You were living in the declared disaster area
  • You need repairs on your home or business
  • Temporary shelter or evacuation expenses
  • You have clean-up expenses
  • Lost your job due to disaster
  • Securing your home or business
  • Replace personal or household items
  • Personal injury, including funeral expenses

When you apply for D-SNAP, a caseworker calculates your income at the time of the disaster, money in the bank, and on hand, etc. D-SNAP benefits are determined by income and family size. For more information on qualifying for D-SNAP go.
Find out which local stores are open by calling the Lone Star Help Desk at 1-800-7777  EBT (1-800-777-7328).

Charities that Provide FEMA Relief

Samaritanโ€™s Purse

This is an amazing faith-based organization, that is a first responder to bring disaster assistance around the world.  They are a 501c(3) organization.  What is good to know is 88.1% of your donations goes directly to the cause.  You will receive an automated receipt to use for tax deduction purposes.  

Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities near you offer relief services, help with rent, jobs, legal services, food pantry, and many other resources to help the community at large.    Catholic Charities is a local and international faith-based organization that provides bill assistance to needy families, individuals.

Red Cross โ€“  The American Red Cross is a not for profit 501c3 charitable organization. Your donation to the Red Cross is tax-deductible.  They are a relief organization helping people worldwide. 

Salvation Army 

The Salvation Army provides help to millions of people worldwide and all year around.  If you need help please contact your local Salvation Army.  This organization typically spends 82% of donations on aid. But during disasters,  100% of your donation goes to relief efforts. It is a great organization to donate to.  Donate to the Salvation Army here. 

5 Replies to โ€œFEMA Relief Programs for Disastersโ€

  1. Hello, Rosemary. I am sorry you are going through this. Please go to Catholic Charities to see you they can give you are voucher. Once you get a voucher you still have to call around to find a hotel that takes vouchers and has an available room. For faster help dial 2-1-1 (the United Way and if they know of organizations that give vouchers.

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