Financial Assistance for Disabled Adults & Children

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Disability financial assistance –ย Around 61 million adults in America live with a disability. Working to earn a decent living can be difficult, especially for people with extreme handicaps. These people face severe financial problems due to their challenges. This guide has information on government andย nonprofit charitiesย that help these people with disabilities.

Unemployment Rate and Disabled Persons

The number of disabled persons employed in American companies has risen in the United States. Disabled persons are less likely to get jobs than aspirants with no disabilities.

According to BLS reports, at the end of last year (2021), working-age disabled persons in the labor force rose to 36.8%. The reports state around 33.3% of disabled persons were employed by the end of the year, increasing from the previous year.

Therefore, actual financial demands create a considerable burden for disabled persons. These people do not have proper access to medical care due to financial constraints. However, even as things get tricky for these people, they have a particular set of resources to utilize. They can even access financial assistance that should help them daily.

Some programs cover these people’sย housing expensesย and pay for their food and healthcare. The programs also help disabled persons with tax filing.

Help with Loans, Income, and Daily Expenses

Social Security Disability Income

SSI is a federal program that offers given populations cash for their basic needs. Those needs may include shelter, clothing, and food. This specific population includes disabled people. The SSDI lists the conditions one must have to qualify for this program. If you are eligible to receive help from the program, there will be less wait time.

The lifetime average earnings will determine the monthly SSDI payment. You can always check the amount of cash you qualify for via theย Social Securityย Administration’s benefits calculator. Check for Supplemental Security Income eligibility before you apply to enroll in the program.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Theย Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programย (SNAP) assists disabled persons with food. There are several ways you can qualify to enroll in this program. You can receive blindness disability payments from state or federal agencies with this program. Disabled children of veterans, veterans, and railroad workers qualify for this food assistance.

Every state has a distinct application process to be part of this program. Ensure you check in with the proper authorities for the program before applying to see whether you are eligible.

Federal Disability Retirement Benefits

Federal employees over 18 months in the national civilian service are eligible for the disability retirement program via the Federal Employee Retirement System. However, there are six requirements you have to meet to qualify, and they include the following:

  • The disability should have lasted for a year
  • The disability must have occurred while working in a job where the retirement system was in place
  • The agency is not able to give you a job that will accommodate your disability

Every applicant should give out complete documentation that proves their medical condition. The agency must exhaust reasonable attempts to use your services as a disabled person.

Temporary Assistance Programs for Needy Families (TANF)

It is aย governmental programย that offers needy families financial help for work assistance, job preparation, and child care. The program is managed by every state independently, meaning you must be a resident of the state where you live.

Therefore, it is separate from this program’s more significant eligibility criteria. Applicants must be underemployed or unemployed to be eligible for this program.ย Low-income earners also qualifyย for this governmental program.

You can contact the human resources department or the local social services agency to learn how to apply for the program.

Work Incentives

Some people with disabilities who receive SSI or Social Security can work and receive monthly payments like any other salaried person. Also, they will receive Medicaid or Medicare. However, work incentives will allow disabled persons to work while not utilizing all benefits.

Disabled persons receiving SSDI can test their ability via the ‘trial work period’ to see if they can work before losing benefits.

Financial Assistance for Disabled Veterans

Around 3% of all veterans are not covered by any health insurance, according to a survey by Wounded Warriors 2020. This organization offers an annual report on the in-service military personnel and veterans injured, whether mentally or physically.

The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans reported that over 40,000 veterans do not have a home. There are more than 25% of veterans live with a disability.

Most of these homeless veterans have mental and medical issues and cannot access medical care for the same. That is why there is aย department of veterans affairsย that offers benefits and programs for disabled veterans:

  • Automobile allowance โ€“helps adapt cars to meet the needs.
  • Disability compensation
  • Clothing allowance โ€“ helps disabled veterans who require unique clothing needs.
  • Veterans Insurance โ€“ is life insurance for a service-connected disability. Disabled veterans cannot pay any premiums and can get additional coverage.
  • Job training โ€“ training the veterans to prepare them for employment.
  • Mortgage Life Insurance โ€“ life insurance protects disabled veterans approved for the Specially Adapted Housing grant.
  • Education Assistance โ€“ these are benefits for the veterans seeking eligible education, a degree, or other training.

This VA offers Disability Assistance Programs such as:

  • GI Bill โ€“ provides education assistance and training for the veterans.
  • Caregiver Support โ€“ program that provides support for family caregivers
  • Patient care โ€“ prescriptions, hospitalization, and medical care for the active militaryโ€” also veterans at health care centers and VA hospitals.
  • Pension benefits โ€“ tax-free monetary benefits given to low-income wartime veterans with more than 90 days in service.
  • Free financial counseling โ€“ you can get this service from nonprofit debt management agencies.
  • Vet centers โ€“ provide outreach, counseling, and referral services.

Other agencies also provide that offer financial help to veterans, and they include:

  • โ€“ the agency has prescription resources that pay for prescription refills.
  • Lifeline โ€“ sponsored by the government and pays for phone services for veterans
  • The National Association of American Veterans Emergency Assistance – helps veterans’ families with financial assistance.
  • USACares Emergency America’s Heroes โ€“ this agency helps the 9/11 veterans pay bills such as utilities and food.
  • Operation family fund โ€“ this agency provides grants to disabled veterans wounded in duty. More so in Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. The money can cater to medical bills, rent, vehicle repair, and emergency transportation.
  • Vantage Mobility International Operation Independence โ€“ offers disabled veterans up to $49,000 as long as they are eligible. You can purchase wheelchair-accessible cars cabs with the grants,


  • Recycled Rides โ€“ this agency gives veterans refurbished vehicles in perfect condition at no cost.
  • American Legion temporary financial assistance โ€“ this agency awards eligible veteran families with small children grants to pay for food, utilities, and shelter.
  • Luke’s Wings โ€“ provides disabled veteran families the means to visit their loved ones during rehabilitation. Hospitalization by planning the trips and purchasing their plane tickets.
  • Wounded Warrior Project โ€“ this agency offers programs to disabled veterans, in-service military personnel, and their caregivers.

Disability Assistance Programs for Disabled Children

Several government agencies and nonprofit resources offerย financial assistanceย to disabled children. That may include Medicaid waivers, SSI programs, tax deductions, and scholarships for children.

1. Medicaid and Medicaid Waivers for Kids with Disabilities

Medicaid is a robust healthcare program for disabled children from low-income families. Children that get SSI payments qualify for the Medicaid program. Disabled children also easily qualify for the Medicaid waiver.

Medicaid will examine the family’s income to determine whether a child is eligible for this program. Some states assess the child’s income to allow the waiver.ย (find out how to get a release)

That is possible thanks to the 1982 TEFRA Act. You can always check whether you meet the requirements for the children’s disability assistance program. Eligible children must receive a given level of care to enter the program. Adult children with disabilities under a guardian or parent care may qualify for Medicare, which offers healthcare for people over 65.

An adult with a disability taken care of by a guardian or a parent also qualifies for this program if they live with a kidney disease requiring maintenance dialysis or a transplant.

2. SSI for Kids with Disabilities

Supplemental Security Income is for underage kids that meet the disabled children requirement. With this program, children receive similar benefits to disabled adults if their family’s income doesn’t exceed the limits. The federal base rate goes up yearly with the rising cost of living.

3. Tax Deductions for Kids with Disabilities

The Internal Revenue Service hasย tax deductions and credits for parents that have disabled children.ย Accordingly, this is true even if the children are not minors. The tax credit lowers the tax you pay, taxable income. Deductions are for home improvements that help accommodate medication, disability, and equipment.

IRS says a dependent child is totally and permanently disabled and cannot participate in any gainful activity due to their mental or physical condition. IRS requires a doctor’s intervention and the agency also determines who qualifies when the situation will last a year or more.

4. Text credits may include:

  • The adoption credit is for parents who may adopt a kid with special needs.
  • Dependent with a disability working at a workshop โ€“ gross income should not include revenue gained from services rendered by a dependent child at a seminar.
  • Child or dependent care credit applies to anyone who takes care of your child.
  • EITC for families with children with disabilities is for the parent who cares for permanently disabled children.
  • Financial Assistance for Older Adults

Several nonprofit resources and government benefits give senior citizens with disabilities financial assistance. Most of these programs will offer housing, healthcare, and meals. However, these agencies are not specifically for seniors alone; theyย help those with disabilities.

Benefits for the Older Disabled Adults Include:

  • Medicaid โ€“ provides medical coverage for older citizens over 65. Typically, these citizens earn a low income. More senior citizens with severe physical or medical impairment are eligible. Medicaid recipients over 65 can also receive Medicare.
  • Supplemental Security Income โ€“ is a federally funded financial assistance that offers help to the aged, disabled persons. It also caters to younger disabled persons with physical or mental disabilities. The agency provides monthly payments to enable these people to get shelter, food, and clothing. The monthly amount will depend on the income and living situation.
  • National Council on Aging Benefits Checkup provides information on benefits for over 65 citizens with disabilities.ย (info)
  • Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly makes available Medicare-covered home care and Medicaid for home care for the elderly. This benefit is free for Medicaid patients but fee-based for patients on Medicare.
  • Eldercare Locatorย is a benefit the U.S. administration gives the aged and living with disabilities. It offers them resources, financial help, transportation, and housing.

Low-Interest Loans for Disabled Persons

These loan programs are available to the disabled and pay for everyday needs and expenses. Also, loans have better repayment terms, customer service, and interest rates.

If you have a disability, please apply for the Department of Agriculture housing repair loans to modify your homes to accommodate disabled individuals. However, residency and income requirements exist if you want to apply for this loan.


Author: Pamela Lipscomb

We understand that finding financial assistance can be overwhelming and stressful. Our site provides information on potential programs, eligibility guidelines, and more. Please remember that this information is for guidance only, and we cannot guarantee assistance. For personalized advice and support, we strongly encourage you to consult with financial advisors, legal professionals, or the program providers directly.