Where to Buy Affordable Clothes

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Where to Find Cheap Trendy Clothes. Knowing where to look, you can hook up your wardrobe without spending a fortune. How you look is essential to feel good about your appearance if you are a woman. Even if you prefer a casual look, it is a good idea to have special garments when you have a special event or want to make a great impression. 

There is plenty of options to find affordable clothes. You can find attractive clothing without paying a fortune. If you love to save money and don’t mind targeted shopping, you are the right candidate for this venture.

Before You Go Shopping

Make a budget to keep you on track so you don’t overspend. Shopping for less is a process; you don’t have to find everything you need in one day. Pace yourself by putting together one or two outfits a week. Before you know it, you will have a great new wardrobe and be the envy of all your friends.

  • Make a list of the garments you want
  • Make a list of stores you will visit.
  • Decide what colors you need.
  • Decide much you want to spend

Shop Out of Season

I remember my mother taking us to Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s end-of-season sales. The end of the shopping season is an excellent time to find beautiful clothing for 40 – 70% off! 

If it is the end of Winter, the stores are trying to get rid of their inventory to make room for their Spring line. Of course, this same goes for Summer and every other season. Think ahead and be patient, knowing that even through summer, you will be able to wear that coat soon enough.

Where to Find Affordable Clothes

Consignment Shops

A consignment shop is a place that receives an item from selling for the original owner of that item. The consignment store gets a portion of the revenue for its efforts. Consignment stores usually have a better clothing class as they don’t have things they cannot profit from.

Consignment shops are a wonderful place to find quality or designer clothes at a bargain. Do a google search to look for women’s consignment stores for women near you. Look for labels and quality items when shopping and you may luck out and get a special outfit for a fraction of the price.

Online Consignment for Women

  • Trend Up Clothing
  • The Real-Earn Commission
  • The Vestiaire Collective – High-End Designer


eBay is a site where you can find anything you could want. It is also a place to find designer clothes at a discount. Go to the site and look for anything from designer dresses and shoes to designer sunglasses and purses. You can bid on a piece, or if you don’t want to risk losing it, purchase it for the “buy now” price.


This is an online store where you can buy gently used clothes and jewelry from previous owners.  I have purchased items in this store and have not had a negative experience.


Amazon is a great place to find cheap trendy clothes. Go to a high-end department store website to find items you like, and go on Amazon to find something similar. I have purchased several articles online that were good quality and fit well. The good thing with Amazon is if they don’t like the item or it doesn’t work, repackage it, and UPS will come to the door and pick it up for you, and the cost will be credited back to your card.

Thrift Stores

Believe it or not, you can find some great clothes at a thrift store. The key to finding bargains at thrift stores is to know what to look for. Look for the label for brand names or a partial cut-out title. Many thrift stores must cut a designer label before it is placed for sale. The lack of a label can be a good indication that it is a designer garment. So if you are looking forward to dressing better for less, don’t forget the thrift stores.

Discount Stores

Discount stores, like Marshalls and Burlington Coat Factory, are other places you may want to look when adding to your wardrobe. They buy overstock from the manufacturers and pass on the savings to the consumer. The online discount store Oversock.com would also fall into this group of discount stores. These tips help you find a wardrobe you love without spending a fortune. Happy Shopping!

You can dress better for less money if you know where to look. First, you will want to start with what you already have in your closet. How it looks and does it fits are the two questions you want to ask yourself. If it doesn’t look good on your, doesn’t fit, or has been in your closet for more than a year and you have not worn it, give it away. 

Think of it this way; whatever you give away in your closet makes room for something new that you can wear. Do not get stuck in the frame of mind, “I am going to get back down to my High School weight!” Give it away and look for something similar that looks great on you the way you are now. Now you are ready to start looking for new clothes.

Cheap Trendy Clothes for Kids

I don’t understand the logic of spending much money on children’s clothing, as they outgrow them so quickly. Before you know it, they are an inch taller and 5 pounds heavier.

The wisdom of purchasing your children’s clothes at a consignment shop is faultless! They can be bought high-end garments and shoes for a fraction of the cost, and your little darlings can look like a million dollars.

Look for children’s consignment stores in your community, or you can shop online. When they grow out of the outfits in a month or two, if they are still in good condition, sell them to a consignment store in your neighborhood.

They never have to know you didn’t buy them new! When buying children’s toys and accessories, ensure there have been no recalls. Check out the online children’s consignment stores.

  • JosiesFriends.com
  • KidtoKid.com
  • Onceuponachild.com
  • Consignmentmommies.com
  • DessieKids.com
  • MyKidsThreads.com
  • Josiesfriends.com
  • DessieKids.com

Dress for Success on a Budget With a Plan

Create your fashion wardrobe plan. Scout out your closet for what you have and what pieces you can add to work with multiple articles of clothing in your closet. Decide on five new items that will overhaul your entire fashion wardrobe. Typical things that can change your wardrobe’s look are:

  • A classically fashionable good-quality coat.
  • A well-fitting pair of black pants.
  • A couple of jeans.
  • A comfortable and elegant pair of shoes.
  • A matching bag.

Create a Wardrobe Budget

Decide how much you desire to spend on your wardrobe for the season. It is good to have a firm number in mind. You can then purchase fewer quality items within that budget rather than purchase as much as possible on sale without considering fit and quality.

Spend Time Trying On Clothes

If you don’t mind shopping the old-school way, go to stores at all price points in your area and spend time trying on the items on your list. Your goal should be to find the best fit and clothing item to give you the most mileage for your money. If you find the perfect article of clothing that works for you in a high-end store, look for something similar as you browse in other stores. Wait to make any buying decisions.

Use Accessories To Add Trends to Your Wardrobe

Once you have all your essential, well-fitting fashion wardrobe items, use accessories to add a trendy look. You can purchase fashion jewelry and accessories on sale inexpensively and add color and fashion trends to your look. Accessories can be expensive. One of the ways to find affordable accessories for your wardrobe is through high-end consignment shops or thrift stores.

One Reply to “Where to Buy Affordable Clothes”

  1. I am currently living with my family, I had to leave a relationship abruptly due to unfortunate circumstances and am in need of some clothing for my last semester in school. I live in Galesburg Michigan and my mom is on oxygen, my aunt is dying and is on hospice and my uncle is looking at a blood transfusion and or other major issues including cirrohsis of the liver. I only make 8400 a year and am in need of help getting a car, an apartment and some clothes so that I can start all over again.

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