Crisis Assistance Hotline USA

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Crisis Assistance Hotline.   Often people call a crisis hotline when they feel they have nowhere else to turn.   Calling a hotline is a good place to start when you are under extreme stress and dealing with a crisis.    When experiencing a traumatic situation, like a natural disaster, domestic violence,  or some other crisis?   It is important to have a support system, but many people have no support system at all.  These hotlines are manned by trained or paid staff, that offer assistance, counseling, and outside resources.

Crisis Assistance Hotline

Thousands of depressed people receive support each year.  Therefore, it is helpful to speak to an anonymous person who does not know you and will not judge you.  At the end of this article, I have listed hotline phone numbers you can call for immediate help!  Hotlines are there for you when you are at the end of your rope.

Where to go when you are Overwhelmed

If you are feeling overwhelmed and do not know where to turn, consider calling a crisis hotline.  You will find knowledgeable and caring and counselors who are trained in crisis management.  They also have a list of agencies that can offer help with eviction prevention, food, shelter, disaster relief, or a safe place to stay.  You can find hope, and direction during difficult times but remember, hard times are not here to stay.

These Faith-Based Organization Offer Crisis Assistance

If you are a person of faith consider talking with a spiritual leader in your community.  They can not only counsel you, but they will also pray for you and your situation.  Remember these agencies provide help to people of all faiths and persuasions.  No one who is truly in need of help will be turned away.

  • Catholic Charities

For more than 100 years, Catholic Charities has been known for their steadfast commitment to helping all people in need.  They have almost 4,000 locations nationwide that offer, supportive services to the less fortunate.  Their mission is to help families and individuals restore health and stability to their families.  They offer food banks, help to pay bills, Christmas programs, and counseling.

  • The Salvation Army

This organization is a worldwide faith-based organization that offers help to those needing emergency assistance like mobile feeding stations, emergency shelters, family counseling, distribution of food, clothing, furniture, and more.  They also give clients referrals for assistance from other community or government services.   More info.

  • The Society of St. Vincent De Paul

They offer outreach ministry to multiple services to families, singles, immigrants, youth, and children. They offer a food pantry, counseling furniture, clothing, education, and more.  They also operate thrift stores where displaced families and individuals can get necessities like, clothes, housewares, furniture, to help rebuild their lives.  More info.

  • Southern Baptist Disaster Relief

They distribute thousands of meals a day through their mobile feeding stations.  Also, they are present to bring disaster to relief, help with clean-up, temporary shelter, and making temporary home repairs, childcare, and counseling.   Much of this is done with the help of volunteers who give their time to support the public.  Website

  • The UJA Federations of North America

This non-profit offers assistance to disaster victims of all faiths, and other people in need.  The United Jewish Association provides financial and social service assistance to those in extreme situations like fire, storms, and other disasters.  Their programs help to rebuild families and communities.  They partner with other government, community, and private agencies to provide comprehensive assistance.

  • United Methodist Committee

This is a non-profit organization dedicated to responding worldwide to those who are suffering. They work with businesses, community activists, health agencies, to provide emergency services, food, healthcare, housing. However, they also provide spiritual and mental health services to disaster victims and extended care for children impacted.

  • Volunteers of America

Provides quick response services to victims of disasters.  They provide transportation, food, clothing, shelter, and mental health counseling.  โ€œOur Mission is to inspire hope through our ministry of service by providing individuals and families with tools to improve their quality of life.โ€  See more at:

Here are Some Crisis Helpline Phone Numbers

These hotlines are available to help you will things going on in your life. Whether it relates to job, family, depression, or struggling to survive daily life.  Tell them what you need, tell them what you want.

  • Veteranโ€™s in Crisis:  1-800-273-82855
  • Child Abuse National Hotline: 1-800-252-2873
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255
  • Alcohol and Drug Helpline: 1-800-821-4357
  • Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-252-8966
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264
  • Child Abuse: To report call: 1-800-4-A-CHILD
  • Children in immediate risk or danger: 1-800-THE-LOST
  • National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
  • National Center on Elder Abuse: 1-800-677-1116
  • Domestic Violence Emergency Hotline (24-hour): (800) 799-7233
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 (24/7 hotline)
  • SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends): 1-800-DONT-CUT, 1-800-366-8288
  • Youth Crisis Hotline: Referrals for runaways or youth in crisis: 1-800-448-4663
  • Child-Support Enforcement Hotline: 877-696-6775
  • Mortgage Payment Assistance: 800-750-8956
  • Debt Relief Hotline: 800- 291-1042

Prayer Support and Counseling Hotlines

  • CBN 24-hour prayer:  1-800-823-6053
  • The National Prayer Center: 1-800-4-PRAYER
  • Crossroads 24-hour Prayer: 1-866-273-4444 toll-free across North America.
  • Upper Room Prayer Hotline: 1-800-251-2468 (Open 7 โ€“ 11 CST)
  • Domestic Violence Hotline and Resources: 1-800-799-7233 1-800-787-3224 (TDD)

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